Welcome To Your Place For Environmentally-Friendly Online Shopping

Most of us have developed a more in-depth knowledge of our impact on the environment over the past decade. 

Although there was an interest in such matters in the 1970s, the next few decades saw less focus on the wellbeing of our planet. So, why has there never been more interest in environmentally-friendly shopping in the past few years?

There’s been several reasons for this, including the fact that new scientific research has uncovered our impact on the planet. There’s never been more compelling evidence of environmental issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. 

These findings have increased public awareness and made more of us gravitate towards making more environmentally-friendly choices when shopping. 

There’s also more exciting, eco-friendly technology than ever before. 

For instance, electric vehicles are more popular than ever before. These vehicles not only reduce our carbon footprint, they also have a better lifespan than older cars. More products are also manufactured using sustainable rubber and plastic during the production process. 

We’ve long abandoned using plastic bags in the UK, which has made a huge difference. Many of us couldn’t imagine not using them, but now most people never use these kinds of bags. It just goes to show that we can change the way we think and behave more easily than we might imagine. 

Whether you’re looking to invest in more sustainably minded products and décor like a new clock, kitchen, home and leisure items or sustainable fashion, Greentrak Store is here to make the process easier. 

Another reason the environment has increasingly been in the spotlight is because the media has stepped up their game. We see much more reporting on environmental issues than in the past. There’s now more high profile events which draw attention to climate change, including environmental protests and climate summits. These have helped to stimulate public discourse and make consumers make wiser choices.

When it comes to eco-friendly shopping, you won’t find a more exciting range than at Greentrak Store. Here are just a few of the awesome products we have available:

Watches and clocks crafted from eco-friendly materials. 

eco watch

A large number of watches nowadays are made from plastic, particularly fitness trackers. 

Our watches are not only more sustainable but reliable, stylish and unique. Among this collection are stop-watches and our stunning Pagani Design stainless steel watches that possess the power of auto-charging, eliminating the need for batteries. 

A wide selection of original home and kitchen products and décor.

Many home and kitchen products are manufactured using non-renewable resources like petroleum-based plastics or metals. The extraction and processing of these resources contribute to environmental degradation and can lead to habitat destruction, soil erosion, and water pollution.

We search for and offer new to market alternatives like bio plastics, as well as responsibly sourced traditional natural materials e.g. f.s.c. cork/bamboo/wood/plant fibres etc.

Greentrak Store has a fantastic choice of sustainable home-ware, including plates, bowls, drinking straws, cutlery, and décor. Products made from natural materials are not only better for the environment, they look lovely in your kitchen. 

For example, Our collections include these Ceramic Retro Storage Jars which are ideal for all kinds of spices, sauces, jams and much more. 

Stylish and beautiful sustainable clothing.

There’s many reasons to choose eco-friendly clothing. But the main reason is that fast fashion has had a really bad impact on our planet. 

The industry relies significantly on the extraction of non-renewable resources like petroleum for synthetic fibres like polyester and cotton for natural fibres. This uses up resources and causes environmental degradation in the areas where these resources are extracted.

The use of harmful dyes also contributes towards water pollution, posing risks to aquatic ecosystems and human health.

Fast fashion is part of the culture of disposability. Often, pieces are worn only a few times before being abandoned, leading to an enormous amount of textile waste. Since a majority of textiles are not biodegradable, they contribute towards overflowing landfills and incinerators.

In comparison, our unique selection of clothing is made from a variety of natural materials, including cotton, bamboo, hemp, and other plant fibres. They also come adorned with positive and thought provoking messages to spread awareness. For instance, our range includes this Be Kind We Can’t Rewind T-Shirt which has uni-sex design. Available in six different sizes, it comes in an array of bright and bold colours. 


All our products can be delivered almost anywhere around the world

Popular products include our solar and portable energy products.

There’s no more powerful or sustainable energy source than the sun. We make it easier to harness the sun’s energy, with everything from outdoor motion lights, solar-powered radios and power stations to flexible solar panels. 


According to recent research, the number of solar panels being installed has soared globally which is great news for the renewable energy revolution and the climate.

With our solar power kits you can use this kind of energy to go camping comfortably this spring or summer. It can also be used as a source of backup power at your home e.g. power for cooking, work, leisure, d.i.y. etc.

If you’re looking for environmentally friendly products online, find out more about Greentrak Store.